영국, 대당 13억원짜리 토마호크 20기 구입..IS겨냥 Britain buys 20 Tomahawk missiles ready to strike IS today VIDEO
Britain buys 20 Tomahawk missiles ready to strike IS today: £1million bombs are fired from submarines and can be programmed to turn corners
영국이 IS 공격용으로 대당 한화 13억원에 달하는 토마호크 미사일 20기를 미국에서 구입한다.
미국이 1991년 걸프전에서 처음으로 사용했으며 2001년 아프간에서도 위력을 발휘했다.
영국은 이번이 처음이다.
토마호크 미사일은 미국 제너럴 다이내믹스사에서 1970년대 장거리 아음속 순항미사일로 해군용은
잠수함에서 발사할 수 있는 프로그램 내장으로 방향전환이 가능한 가공할 무기다.
영국이 이번에 구입하는 토마호크 미사일은 잠수함용이다.
*아음속: 음속에 가까운 속도
<에디터 황기철>
By David Williams and Ian Drury for the Daily Mail
Britain has bought 20 Tomahawk missiles from the US in preparation for its bombing campaign against Islamic State.
Costing £1million each, they are fired from submarines and can be computer-programmed to turn corners.
They have already been fired in the Gulf by the US and are likely to be among the first weapons used by the British military.
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A Royal Navy hunter-killer nuclear submarine carrying Tomahawks is already in place in the region awaiting targets for attack
The submarines loiter offshore before going to depth to fire the Tomahawks which can cover more than 850 miles, can be retargeted in flight and can loiter above a target for more than two hours.
RAF Tornados will fly the first UK missions aiming to ‘decapitate’ IS commanders, convoys of jihadists fighters and control bunkers during initial air operations over Iraq.

The guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) launches a Tomahawk cruise missile to conduct strikes against ISIL targets as seen from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush
The guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) launches a Tomahawk cruise missile to conduct strikes against ISIL targets as seen from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush