10대 몰락하는 직업들 The 10 Most Endangered Jobs





Endangered species
A new report today from CareerCast suggests paper is not where you want to be.

It’s a U.S. study, and Canada is different in many respects, of course, but here are the group’s 10 “most endangered” American jobs, based partly on U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics findings:


미국 캐리어캐스트가 2012~2022년까지의 미국과 캐나다의 경우를 대상으로 조사한 사항으로 여건이

다른 나라와는 다소 괴리가 있으나 기본적으로 직업의 장기적인 추세는 알 수가 있다.


감소율이 큰 직업군은 무선네트워크, 인터넷 통신의 발달이 가장 많은 영향을 끼쳤다.




1. Mail carrier:


2022년까지 22% 감소가 예상됨

인터넷 통신의 발달이 가장 큰 원인

The hiring outlook for this group suggests a 28-per-cent decline by 2022.

(We’re already seeing some of this in Canada with the phased-in end of door-to-door delivery.)


2. Farmer:


2022년까지 19% 감소

Not a paper-based profession, but a 19-per-cent drop in the hiring outlook, nonetheless, given the change in technology.


3. Meter reader:


2022년까지 19% 감소

Again, no paper here, but technology suggests a decline of 19 per cent.



4. Newspaper reporter:


2022년까지 13% 감소, 이제는 무선네트워크시대

The 13-per-cent drop in the hiring outlook obviously isn’t tops on my list, but I’ve added the italics for emphasis. And, anyway, you’re reading this on a PC or wireless device.


5. Travel agent:


2022년까지 12% 감소

Well, if you’re a mail carrier, farmer, meter reader or newspaper reporter, you’re probably not heading off anywhere expensive, and, thus, the projected 12-per-cent decline.


6. Lumberjack:


2022년까지 9% 감소

This is Canada, and we’re hewers of wood. So, too, are the Americans, but the hiring outlook suggests a dip of 9 per cent.



7. Flight attendant:

비행기 승무원

2022년까지 7% 감소

저가 항공이 승무원의 고용에 큰 영향을 준다

See “travel agent,” and you’ll get the 7-per-cent dip.


8. Drill-press operator:


2022년까지 6% 감소

The “press” part doesn’t mean paper, but expect a 6-per-cent decline anyway.


9. Printing worker:


2022년까지 5% 감소

See “mail carrier,” “newspaper reporter” and “lumberjack.” The hiring outlook calls for a decline of 5 per cent.


10. Tax examiner and collector:

세무 조사원

2022년까지 4% 감소

This is Canada, the land of milk and taxes, so the projected 4-per-cent drop couldn’t possibly apply here.




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