두사람의 크레이지 보이, 정말 함께 할까? VIDEO: #ICYMI: Trump and Kim keep the world asking, 'will these two crazy kids ever get together?'

VIDEO: #ICYMI: Trump and Kim keep the world asking, 'will these two crazy kids ever get together?' 

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un are the Ross and Rachel of geopolitics, leaving the world constantly wondering, whether these two will stop dancing around the subject and just get together.


트럼프가 김영철을 만난 후 싱가포르 정상회담을 예정대로 개최한다고 발표했다.

미국의 한 방송사가 이 두사람을 크레이지로 비유하며

트럼프와 김정은은 미 드라마 프렌즈의 로스와 레이첼과 마찬가지 상황이라며

세상 사람들이 궁금해하는 것들. 

결국 이 두사람이 함께 할지.....


In Case You Missed It 당신이 이걸 놓쳤을 경우를 대비해서

edited by snsmedia

Trump set a date for June 12 for a big meet, North Korea’s leader blew up a mountain as a show of good faith, then the US President changed his mind. Or did he? 

Negotiations are ongoing between top officials from the two nations who are trying to get the June 12 date back in the diary, so at least the two leaders can start choosing outfits, and writing down some talking points to avoid any awkward silences should the summit in Singapore finally go ahead.

So, because of the ‘will they, won’t they?’ saga, ICYMI has taken a closer look at what could turn into the feel-good hit of the summer. Or the beginning of a particularly nasty conflict.


